Saturday, January 16, 2021

Insurrection 2


The Revolution Will Not Be Televised

The revolution will not be televised   
The revolution will not be brought to you     
By Xerox in four parts without commercial interruptions.

Gil Scott-Heron was wrong.  The revolution will not only be televised,.…it will be live-streamed.

“When in the course of Human Events…a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.” After that declaration it may be necessary to “take arms against a sea of troubles”.  However once you make that declaration or take up arms against a government, if you lose, you should expect to be punished by that government.  The Founding Fathers knew this.  That is why John Hancock so famously signed the Declaration of Independence in a large signature so that “ King George could read it without his spectacles”.  It is thus hypocritical for those who participated in the insurrection against the government at the Capitol Riot on January 6th to now claim that they were only exercising their First Amendment Rights bestowed by that government.

No one should expect to be an officer of the government against which one has rebelled. The Fourteenth Amendment makes it clear that this incudes those whom “shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof".  That Amendment does allow mercy to those if two-thirds of the Congress agree.  But this remedy only includes the ability to be an officer of the government, it does not extend to criminal penalties due to those persons.  It is wonderful that so many of the Capitol rioters live streamed or posted images of their rebellion  It makes it so much easier to determine their guilt.

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