Friday, June 3, 2022

Gun Control II


What A Fool Believes

But what a fool believes he sees
No wise man has the power to reason away
What seems to be
Is always better than nothing
And nothing at all keeps sending him

Are Amercians being a fool on gun control?

Congratulations to President Biden for finally calling out Republicans.  I know that it was hard for him. Reaching across the aisle has always been an admirable quality of Joseph Biden. However gun control is an American issue, not just a bipartisan issue. An American issue requires a supermajority. It is not an issue for the Democratic majority. It is not an issue for the Republican minority, although they have learned to block any two player game. When the Democrats were a supermajority, they were able to pass the Affordable Care Act. When the Republicans were the majority, they passed nothing except tax cuts and stealing a seat on the Supreme Court. The party of Howard Baker, Everett Dirksen and John McCain has become the party of Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, and Donald Trump. This is not unprecedented. The bipartisanship that President Biden seeks is with the Progressive/Mugwump wing of the Republican Party. This wing was led in the past by Samuel “Mark Twain” Clemens and Teddy Roosevelt, who broke with the Republican Stalwarts. But trying to make bipartisan agreement with what you have today is a fool’s errand. You work with what you have, and we don’t have Bull Moose Republicans.

What is needed is to stop playing a two player game. Gun Control is NOT a bi-partisan issue. It is a multi-partisan issue , where the multi- is so large as to make it virtually indistinguishable from non-partisan. Stop playing a two person game. It never worked for Charlie Brown and Lucy in Peanuts and it won’t work here. My therapist said that I should write, which is why I blog. But if you are reading this then please read., and

I thought that assault was against the law. Then aren’t assault rifles such as  AR-15s illegal and can be banned by the ATF. Laws aren’t necessary and might be foolish. Action is necessary.

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