Monday, December 2, 2024




I'm a political man and I practice what I preach.
I'm a political man and I practice what I preach.
So don't deny me baby, not while you're in my reach.

So what are my politics?

If I were to characterize my political leanings it would be, as my hero Mark Twain, as a Mugwump Republican. I make this distinction because today's Republican Party seems to be only the MAGA wing and Mugwumps have been primaried out of the party. The Mugwumps of Twain's day might have opposed the corruption of the Stalwart Republicans, but at least they were still considered part of the Party.

Why am I a Republican? I am for limited government and low taxes, not NO government and NO taxes. But I am also for Truth, Justice (for the group), and the American way(inclusion). I do not think that just because something is better today, it will be always better.

Truth is eternal, not just for today.

Justice for the Group, not just for oneself, requires respecting the choices of each individual in the group. This means ALL choices (Mind your own business!). I can’t assume that my perception of Truth is correct.

The American Way (inclusion) is in keeping with N, the size of the group, approaching infinity. Actions to limit the size of the group, whether those actions are deportations, voter suppression, discrimination, Jim Crow laws, etc., are wrong.

The statement that “The  Government ( i.e. the group) IS the problem”  is wrong. The government is “of the people, by the people, and for the people” according to Abraham Lincoln, the first and greatest Republican President. Anti-trust and the elimination of monopolies were hallmarks of Republican Theodore Roosevelt (as were national parks and environmentalism). The elimination of the abomination of chattel slavery, which limits the size of the group, was the reason that the Republican Party was founded.

The people in the government may be wrong and following Lord Acton’s maxim that “power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”, the government (which must inevitably consist of representatives of the people, who are themselves PEOPLE), is NOT wrong, but the PEOPLE in the government may be wrong. That is why there are elections. Change the government, do NOT eliminate the government. It is a lot easier and faster to destroy than to build. But it is more admirable to be a builder than a destroyer.

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