Friday, July 29, 2022



Everybody’s Crying Mercy

A bad enough situation
Is sure enough getting worse
Everybody's crying justice
Just as soon as there's business first

Straight ahead, gotta knock ‘em dead
So pack your kit, choose your own hypocrite

Render unto Caesar, the things that are Caesar’s, and to God, the things that are God’s

You would think that Justice “Strip Search Sammy” Alito would know the meaning of justice. But you would be wrong. In his “egregious” majority opinion. he confused his legal obligation to administer  justice with his moral view.  He was not asked to rule if abortion was moral.  He was asked to rule if it was legal.  This was no different than when the Pharisees, who opposed Roman rule, wanted Jesus to either oppose Roman rule and taxation, or accept Roman taxation and discredit himself.  They thought that they were giving him a classic “Have you stopped beating your wife?” question, where you are damned if you answer yes or no. Instead Jesus responded that the question was wrong and asked for a coin, on which was  Caesar’s face, and stated that “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s”.  In the NBC sitcom The Good Place, Chidi is faced with the classic ethics Trolley Problem where he is asked to choose between saving 5 people or  saving 1 person.  He “solves” the problem by finding the choices wrong and opts instead to sacrifice himself.

It is especially ironic that "Justice" Alito chose to mock the free speech of others that did not agree with him, given the setting. That mockery might be forgivable if that person resides in France  or Canada, but among those he cited was the Duke of Sussex who resides in, and is supposedly covered by, the Freedom of Speech in the First Amendment to the US Constitution.  “Justice” Alito did not mention that his was not a unanimous decision and did not call out Justices Breyer, Kagan and Sotomayor or Chief Justice Roberts for dissenting from him.  The Duke of Sussex was mocked by “Justice” Alito for not only not agreeing with him, but comparing Alito’s  actions to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.  Aside from the concept of free speech , which “Justice” Alito does not seem to get, he acted as if this was a domination game by his SCOTUS majority, which is not very different than the domination game played by Vladimir Putin.  That he was speaking at a forum on the freedom of religion is especially ironic.  Freedom to agree with his religion, I guess. Clearly, he don’t know the meaning of the word.

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