Friday, July 22, 2022



On A Clear Day

And on a clear day...
On a clear day...

You can see forever...
And ever...
And ever...
And ever more...

So far is forever?

Because the universe is locally flat, Euclidean, we might think it is globally flat. However it was proposed that universe is hyperbolic and it only appears flat locally. [1] I am copying a figure from that article because it shows curved spacetime, ....and because it is so darn pretty.

Treating spacetime as hyperbolic solves a number of problems,  not the least of which is estimating the size of the universe.

A hyperbolic universe has to be expanding after the Big Bang. Dr. Mabkhout’s article presents equations, based on Einstein’s equations and a hyperbolic curved spacetime, which is consistent with the age of the universe. A flat universe has to resort to dark energy and dark matter to explain the expansion of the universe and the inconsistency between the age and size of the universe. However if the universe is hyperbolic, without resorting to dark matter or energy, the implication is that the age of the universe, 14 billion years, is consistent with the size of the universe, 1.3 x1028 cm, 8.6 x 1022 miles, 14 billion light-years. Of course since the universe its still expanding, check back in a few billion years and there will be a different answer for forever.

[1] Mabkhout, S.A., 2012. The infinite distance horizon and the hyperbolic inflation in the hyperbolic universe. Phys. Essays25(1), p.112.

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