Friday, September 2, 2022




The sun'll come out tomorrow
So you gotta hang on 'til tomorrow
Come what may
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow
You're always a day away

Let’s stop saying again.

Given the number of attorneys in Trump-world that already have, or soon will, lawyer up, my favorite definition of MAGA is Making Attorneys Get Attorneys.  However, the originators of MAGA have defined the acronym as Make America Great Again.   You can tell if someone is an authoritarian when they don’t think the rules of the group apply to them because they have dominated the group, “Do you know who  I am?”, and also when they overuse the word “Again”.  An authoritarian also does not believe in a future, especially without him, and thus wants you to believes that the past is superior to the future.

The phrase is “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush”, not “There are NO birds in the bush, so I better protect this bird I have.  And that bird yesterday, now that was a bird:” If the group is growing, then the present has to be greater than the past. But you remember yesterday.  You hope for, have to imagine, the future. 

If the future is equal to zero, then there is no value in the future. The future has to be worth something more than today if you are going to continue.  If things are declining, then the rate of growth is negative, and eventually the future will be zero. The future is always worth the inverse of the growth rate.  For example if the rate of growth is 5%, then the future is worth 1/(100% +5%),  or the future is worth ~.95 of today.  If the past was worth 5% more than today, then you don’t have a growth rate. You have  a decay rate.    Do you want a leader who believes that the past is worth more than the present?  That is what is meant by again.   I prefer to believe in leaders who believe that the sun will come up tomorrow.

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