Sunday, September 18, 2022

The Queen


God Save The Queen

God save our gracious Queen
Long live our noble Queen!
God save the Queen.

Send her victorious,
Happy and glorious,
Long to reign over us,
God save the Queen!


Humanity is a group, pack, animal.  As such, there has to be a leader, a sovereign, of every group.  In the UK that leader, sovereign, is the Monarch.  In the United States, Donald Trump and Trump-world not withstanding, the sovereign is “We the People”. “We the People” can not die, but a sovereign, as an individual, can die.  As  Americans is it any wonder that we don’t understand why the British are sad? 

Do I think that the British should have dominated the world as they tried?  No, and as an Irish-American I certainly can understand the antipathy in India and other former crown colonies toward the Queen’s passing.  However the Queen as sovereign should not be blamed for the sins of her ancestors and people.  As a sovereign, she always understood that she was an obedient  servant of her people, not their ruler.  Rest In Peace Elizabeth.  God does not have to save this Queen.  She has saved Herself. We, as fellow sovereigns, are very proud of Her.

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