Friday, March 10, 2023

None of the Above



Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated?
I see the way you're acting like you're somebody else
Gets me frustrated
Life's like this, you fall
And you crawl, and you break
And you take what you get, and you turn it into
Honesty and promise me I'm never gonna find you faking
No, no, no

A yes or no response isn’t enough

Facebook, I am told, allows you to set your relationship status as single, in a relationship, engaged, married, in a civil partnership, in a domestic partnership, in an open relationship, it's complicated, separated, divorced, and widowed. In this there are more than two options but even when there are only two responses, there should always be a third, It’s Complicated/Other. Thus a True/False quiz should be True/False/It’s Complicated. Otherwise you can be asked misleading “Have you stopped beating your wife?” questions, where you are damned if you answer yes (implying that you used to beat you wife but have stopped) or no ( admitting that you are currently beating your wife.). There always better be three options or the responses can’t tell anything.

This goes for any response/choice. If you are asked to choose between good and evil, you might choose to be 100% good or 100% evil, but you are not the only one making that choice. Each individual’s choice can be binary, but the sum of all choices is where we live.

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