Sunday, October 29, 2023

Pro-Choice II

The Struggle for Guadalcanal 

And when I Get to Heaven
To St. Peter I will tell
Just one more marine reporting, sir
I've spent my time in Hell

What if our universe is Hell?

We shave been taught that there are three domains: Heaven, Reality and Hell.  This is at odds with a belief that Heaven is where God dwells.  If we also believe that God dwells everywhere, including Reality, then there are only two domains, God's and the absence of God's.  Reality may then only be the interface where a choice is made to join God or join God's absence.  In that case, Reality is both Heaven and Hell.  The choices that are made in Reality detemine whether after life you enter Heaven.

If there are no choices in Reality, then no one can choose God and enter Heaven.  In Other Words, God must be pro-Choice, for every choice.

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