Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Speaker of the House


Sympathy For The Devil

So if you meet me
Have some courtesy
Have some sympathy, and some taste
Use all your well-learned politnesse
Or I'll lay your soul to waste, mm yeah

Republican “moderates” in the House appear to have had a “Come to Satan” moment.

By picking MAGA Mike Johnson as their Speaker, the moderate Republicans appear to have selected him because he seemed so polite, compared to Jim Jordan.  Uh, the devil is also polite.

The devil is NOT equal to God.  Believing that life is a contest between God and the devil is to believe that the devil is EQUAL to God.  If you have chosen God, then denying anyone else a choice is tantamount to handing that person over to the devil, because you won’t let that person choose God for themself. It does not count that you are afraid they might choose the devil.  Someone can choose God or no-God, but that same person can not choose the devil, unless the devil is equal to God.

No-God is the ABSENCE of God.  This is NOT the devil, although the devil is also absent of God.  Since MAGA Mike wants to eliminate the ability to choose your gender, your partner, your reproductive freedom, your religion, etc. he is apparently against many choices.  It makes no difference if he is polite in doing so, that is the way of the devil. Those moderate Republicans who voted for him have had a "Come to Satan" moment.  They are confusing tolerance with acceptance.  God help us all.

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