Thursday, November 9, 2023




Smile though your heart is aching Smile even though it's breaking When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by If you smile through your fear and sorrow Smile and maybe tomorrow You'll see the sun come shining through for you 

In other words, say the Serenity Prayer!

The Vinegar Tasters is a traditional subject in Chinese religious painting. The painting depicts the three founders of China's major religious and philosophical traditions: K'ung Fu Tzu, who has been latinized as Confucius; Buddha; and Lao Tzu, the founder of Taoism 

K'ung Fu Tzu has a an expression of resolve, because the vinegar is sour and needs to be dominated, by the following of strict rules. 

The Buddha has a sad expression because vinegar is sour like life, but like life it must be endured. 

Lao Tzu has a smile because he has accepted that vinegar should taste sour like vinegar. 


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