Saturday, December 2, 2023

Show Your Work


Show Me

Sing me no song! Read me no rhyme!
Don't waste my time, Show me!
Don't talk of June, Don't talk of fall!
Don't talk at all! Show me!

Show your work!

The formulae shown in red in this post have been corrected.

When I was in college, I was famous for submitting tests with minus the correct answer or with some other simple mistake.  On numerous tests, I was saved by the fact that my instructors took pity on me and gave me credit for showing my work.  Ironically, I now find myself with what appears to be the correct answer for a hypotenuse on a hyperbolic surface, but because I did not save my work, I can not prove it.

On a flat surface the hypotenuse/radius of a triangle is r=√(a2+b2).  I would like to say that on a hyperbolic surface this is r=ln(0±2*cosh(√(a2+b2))), which I arrived as a solution and it seems to work, but I did not save my work.  Thus because I did not save my work, I am unable to prove that on a hyperbolic surface it is r=ln(0± 2*cosh(√(a2+b2))), instead of r=√(a2+b2). Being unable to show my work means that I am unable to prove this equation and unable to show that:

The Lorentz transform, which is typically given as√(1-(v/c)2), where in this case v is the velocity of an object and c is the speed of light, should instead be r=ln(0±2*cosh(√(1-(v/c)2))).

In a curved universe, gravity should be an apparent force and should NOT be combined with the three intrinsic (electric, weak nuclear, and strong nuclear) forces in a Unified Field Theory.

In a hyperbolic universe, there is a discontinuity at the Big Bang and our universe may be only one sheet of a asymmetrical two-sheeted  hyperboloid.

In a hyperbolic universe, there is only one absolute, and that absolute is both random AND deterministic.

If there is one absolute, then there is also only one choice: choosing that absolute, and not choosing that absolute, aka absolute zero. 

In a hyperbolic universe, regressions and statistics using least squares should be redone; the formula for what is called the standard deviation is in fact the formula for error; and the Bessel adjustment, n/(n-1), is not necessary.

In a hyperbolic universe, when there is no error, every moment about the mean should be 0, not just odd movements where the moment is expressed as powers of i; and even powers which are multiples of i2 , are expressed as a real number, - 1.

The universe has a variance of .822,  and thus its standard deviation can never be 0.

So being unable to show my work, I can only assume that the above are true, but I can not prove that the above are true.

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