Saturday, February 3, 2024



The Circle of Life

It's the circle of life And it moves us all Through despair and hope Through faith and love 'Til we find our place On the path unwinding In the circle The circle of life

Life isn’t a straight line up. Life isn’t a straight line down. Life is a circle, a cycle.

Humans tend to view things as a straight line. When things are getting worse, think they will get even worse, which also means that things were better in the past, MAGA. If things are going good, we think they will continue to be that way forever,

The truth is that life is a cycle. You just have to not be hasty, and allow the cycle to complete itself. Our persective can change how we view thingss.  To a toddler, next Christmas seems like forever.   A senior citizen might say instead, is it Christmas again already? The fact is, it is always a year between Chistmases.  It did not take less time, your perspective just changed.  

If the cycle is very long you might miss the fact that it is a cycle.  If the cycle is very short, it might look like there is no cycle, that things just happen. But if there is life, you can be sure the cycle is there. Even if the cycle is in your imagaination, dreams.

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