Tuesday, May 21, 2024



At Your Command

I had you, I held you, you gave me your all
Your love dreams I shattered beyond recall
Now that I've lost you, please understand
I'm here forever at your command 

Not commandments, warnings 

As a parent, I remember warning my then toddlers not to touch a hot stove.  It might have sounded like a commandment to a toddler, but it was only meant as a warning that the toddler would not like the consequences of touching a hot stove. 

By the same token, the Ten Commandments might be warnings from God that not following these would bring bad consequences.  And what if “Do not eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil” to Adam in the Garden of Eden was a warning, not a commandment.  We need warnings as toddlers just as much as we need handrails in bathtubs as we get older.  They are there for our safety, protection, not to restrict us.  Commandments are ONLY there to restrict us. "Danger, Will Robinson' is a warning, not a commandment. 

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