Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Confidence Games


Pick Yourself Up

Don't lose your confidence if you slip
Be grateful for a pleasant trip
And pick yourself up
Dust yourself off
Start all over again

Confidence is good.  A confidence game is bad.

A confidence game is when a person defrauds a victim of their money, property, or information through tricks. The perpetrator is able to defraud the victim of their possessions through gaining the victim's trust.

So how do con(fidence) men gain victims trust?  They tell the victims a plausible lie to confuse the victim.  Unfortunately it is far to easy to confuse some people.  Many similar sounding concepts are not the same, such as mean and mean, or effective tax rates and marginal tax rates, but to confuse the victim they are treated as if they are the same.  Also some lies that sound convincing, but are provably false are told.  These lies can include:

·        “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”.  Oh, yeah! That must mean that Sadam Hussein who was the enemy of USA's enemy Iran was our friend.  That must mean that Stalin whose enemy was Hitler, was the USA’s friend, etc.

·        “Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue.” Extremism is ALWAYS a vice.  Moderation is ALWAYS a virtue, as is liberty and justice.  The ends never justify the means.

·        “Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.” Government policies might be the problem, but government itself is not the problem.  Yes, I know, Ronald Reagan, said it so it must be true, but it wasn’t his microphone either.  That microphone belonged to Bob Molloy.

·        “I read it on the internet, so it must be true.” There is even a State Farm Insurance TV commercial making fun of this one.

Don’t be fooled. Trust but verify.  Always check the facts, cut the cards, and kick the tires.

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