Saturday, August 22, 2020

Rigged Elections

 Your Cheatin' Heart

Your cheatin' heart
Will pine some day
And crave the love
You threw away

Winning by cheating is not winning at all.

As we approach the 2020 presidential election, cheating seems to be the topic of the day.  It is my observation that "he who smelt it, dealt it". If someone complains that his opponent will cheat to win, that is a pretty good indication that the person making that complaint plans to cheat to win.  Donald Trump has a long history of cheating.  He even cheated against his children when skiing by tripping them,  

The lesson that he instilled is that if you win, it doesn't matter if you cheated in order to win.  I am surprised that his children didn't kill him, but maybe that I am just projecting here.  Just remember this when you hear about rigged elections or that mail-in voting is subject to cheating.  The president has figured out how he would trip Joe Biden to win, and has assumed that Joe Biden wants to trip him to win.  Thank goodness the ramp may be steep for you, Mr Trump, but it isn't that steep for others.  We all are more than willing to let you trip yourself.

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