Monday, August 24, 2020

Safety First

The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin’ Groovy)

Slow down, you move too fast
You got to make the morning last 

Moving too fast in the development of vaccines is also NOT a good idea. 

I remember the Thalidomide crisis and I have worked with British victims of Thalidomide. Babies were born in Europe because it did NOT safely test Thalidomide before it was approved as a treatment.  The FDA did not  approve Thalidomide in the United States at that time because its safety had not yet been proven, and in hindsight that was the correct decision.  

There is a reason that there are test periods before adopting new treatments, drugs, and vaccines, not just to determine whether they are effective, but whether they would create more harm.  If drinking bleach as a treatment for COVID-19 is harmful and hydroxychloroquine is ineffective, rushing a treatment to market before safely testing is also a bad idea.   A fetus is in the womb for 9 months.  If the desire is to protect the fetus, then how in the world is rushing a treatment to market  before 9 month is a good idea, no matter how long it is until the election.

I would rather wait and be safe, than to rush to approve a treatment.  The FDA that protects me is one that is slow and cautious.  That it has a proven record of  protection does not make them part of the deep state.

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