Wednesday, November 24, 2021


 It's Nature's Way

It's nature's way of receiving you
It's nature's way of retrieving you
It's nature's way of telling you
Something's wrong

What is nature trying to tell us?

Nature is a strict mistress.  While humans may be able to choose a spectrum between User and Optimal solutions, chose a spectrum between Truth and Fantasy and choose a spectrum between Inclusion or Exclusion, Nature has come out very strongly for System Optimal solutions, for Truth, and for Inclusion.

Nature not only favors System Optimal Solutions, but its System Optimal solutions must be efficient AND resilient.  Texas might have thought that it had an efficient electrical system, but how did Texas like that the winter storm that Nature provided in February of 2021. Texas’s electrical system might have been efficiently System Optimal  as long as “normal” temperatures continued, but it wasn’t very resilient in the cold, was it.

Nature insists on Truth.  It does not treat liars very kindly.  Individuals can deny climate change all that they want.  There may have been species, that if they have been able, that would have denied climate change and yet still became extinct during the end of Permian mass extinction because  of climate change.  “And yet it moves.”  The Truth is the Truth,  deal with it.

Nature is very, very inclusionary.  It does not consider Caste and/or social status, even if humans may value them.  Former President Trump contracted COVID-19 just as readily as the lowest ranked person in society.  He was NOT excluded by Nature, even if he though he wished he had been.

While humans are free to choose where they fall on the Spectrum of a framework human behavior,  Nature, or if you are religious, God, seems to have already expressed choices.

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