Wednesday, November 17, 2021



Who Am I?

Who am I?
Can I conceal myself for evermore?
Pretend I'm not the man I was before?
And must my name until I die
Be no more than an alibi?

On the 200th post to this blog, it is probably time to explain the name.

I am a semi-retired traffic engineer/planner.  One of the questions that I am often asked to answer is  “ How many people would use a particular mode?” One mode is hitchhiking (which the profession would  euphemistically call a shared ride mode).  When hitchhiking  with an outstretched thumb, the question by the Driver to the Hitchhiker, if he intended to offer a ride would be, “Going My Way”.

“Going My Way” is also the name of a 1944 film that won the Oscar for Best Picture   It is the story of a Catholic parish priest played by Bing Crosby (for which he won the Oscar for Best Leading Actor).  Since I attended St Paul’s parochial parish School from grades 1 to 8, it is a safe bet that the nuns teaching at that school held this film and its sequel, “The Bells of St Mary’s”, in high regard. Consequently  I saw “Going My Way”  more than once.  That film also had the Oscar winning Best Song, “Swinging On A Star”.  Because I find it easier to remember a topic if it is associated with a song, I have tried to include some lines from a song before each blog post.

This blog post  has a song from Les Mis, and is dedicated to a former colleague, Kate Fox, whom I think of when I hear any song from Les Mis.

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