Monday, January 10, 2022

Sovereigns III


 Let’s Do it, Let’s Fall In Love

Birds do it, bees do it
Even educated fleas do it
Let's do it, let's fall in love

We are admonished not to be sheep, but are we bees?

Humans are not alone in being  social animals.  Many fish live in schools. Many insects live in hives.  Many birds live in flocks.  Many carnivorous mammals live in packs.  Many herbivorous mammals live in herds.  In each of these groups, the sovereign, the leader of the group, is:

· shared among all members of the group, e.g. the V-formation of a fight of  geese;

·  a genetic position, e. a queen bee, or

· a dominance position, e.g. the alpha wolf.

Other than humans, if a group selects its leader through dominance, it can not change to another method.  E.g. the children of the current leader of the pack that is chosen by dominance, may not necessarily be the next leader of the pack.

Humans have added election and dynasties to the selection methods for sovereigns. However they are really just another name for the already existing methods.  Election of sovereigns is just another form of dominance.  Dynastic sovereignty is acting as if the heirs of the existing leader are genetically chosen to be the next leader.

The People of the United States are its sovereign as established in the US Constitution.  Election of a President does not change this.  The family of the President is not a royal (sovereign) family.  The heirs of the President are not the next sovereign.

Bees, ants, and termites are not only social animals they are eusocial animals in that there is a definite caste system, and only members of specific castes have the ability to reproduce. Other than those insects, only certain species of blind mole rats appear to be eusocial animals. In some rare cases of eusocial animals, if there is no next genetic leader, then individuals can change caste and are then able to reproduce.

America is not a caste in that all members have the ability to reproduce, regardless of their caste.  Those who act like they are in higher castes may try to limit the ability of those who they say are in lower castes to reproduce. 

All members of society have the ability to contribute to all Castes, regardless of the Caste roles assigned to

  • their gender (Marie Curie);
  • their race (George Washington Carver);
  • their sexual orientation (Alan Turing);
  • their religion (Albert Einstein); etc. 

Acting like there are Castes is un‑American. Acting as if the sovereign can be changed from the People to a dynasty is also un-American. We are Americans, not bees.

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