Thursday, January 27, 2022



Up On The Roof

When I come home feelin' tired and beat
I go up where the air is fresh and sweet (up on the roof)
I get away from the hustling crowd
And all that rat-race noise down in the street (up on the roof)
On the roof, the only place I know
Where you just have to wish to make it so

When you wish upon a star, your dreams come true.

Ryan Beagan posted on LinkedIn a video from one of his former bosses, Steven Spielberg. hey if he gets to name drop, his proud father can name drop too!  The quote concerned the fact that directors have to be animators.  One of the comments was that directors have to be choreographers.  They are both correct, but to be more generic, a good director has to be a good storyteller.  The West African culture honored storytellers and gave them the title of Griot.

The ability to tell stories is what has made the tribe that is mankind so successful.  Through our stories, we pass down our wisdom to the tribe, even after our time on earth is ended.  We may die, but our stories, and thus our tribe, endures.  Even if storytellers are not rewarded in their lifetime, their stories, i.e. art, lives on.  We may not know who the Kings of England are, but we know Shakespeare.  We may not know who the rulers of ancient Greece were, but we know of the Parthenon.  Our stories keep us entertained, and pass down truth and our beliefs.  Mathematics and science are stories too, just as much as General Hospital or anything on HBO.  Raise a glass to the storytellers and thank them, because they have shared their dreams with us.

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