Wednesday, May 4, 2022



You May Be Right

You may be right
I may be crazy
But it just may be a lunatic you’re looking for.

Can’t someone be both right and crazy?

I have proposed a number of things. They might all be right. But apparently not everyone is looking for a lunatic.

My career has been in traffic engineering, particularly travel demand forecasting. One suggested finding is how impedance  on a traffic link ( e.g. a road) increases as traffic volume  increases. In trying to address this issue, since impedance appears to be a function of  and travel time,  I proposed equations for reliability and for  travel time, only as a mean of improving the equation for  impedance. However I have been reluctant to network in my career and my reputation,  except with those whom I have worked, is admittedly non-existent. The blog posts for reliability, travel time and impedance were taken from  papers submitted to a peer reviewed conference but rejected.

Since I have been semi-retired, locked down, and bored, and I have spent most of my career analyzing data, I looked at income and wealth data. It suggested that the distribution of wealth and income in the United States is not only anecdotally skewed, it is statistically skewed, not only over time, but compared to other nations,, This information has been the subject of my blog posts and has been shared with other, but I have no standing with those others, so I can understand why it has been apparently been ignored.

I have looked the income data and suggested that the tax code is responsible for a decline in growth and an increase in inequity and suggested a revision to the tax code, I have looked at the Consumer Price Index and suggested that international trading and the use of the US dollar in international trading is responsible for much of the systemic long-term inflation I also suggested that inflation should be divided into  currency inflation and supply-demand inflation and treated separately And while I have suggested this to others in these fields, I am not an economist, and since my traffic engineering findings have not been accepted, I am hardly surprised that my economic suggestions have not been pursued.

I have looked at human behavior and suggested that it can be example by three characteristics. But again since my background is NOT in social sciences, I have no standing.

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