Thursday, August 4, 2022

Brittney Griner


No Peace, No Justice

No peace, no justice
No peace, no justice
Were we provoked or were we just bored? 

In Russia, there is no Peace and no Justice. 

Brittney Griner has just been sentenced to 9 years in prison by a court in the Russian Federation because her  airline luggage contained vape cartridges which contained cannabis oil. Those vape cartridges were medically prescribed to deal with the pain from her sports injuries. She was only in the Russian Federation to play sports, basketball, during the WNBA off season. Did she violate Russian Law? Apparently? But was Justice administered? Absolutely not! 

A classic line from the Untold Legend of the Batman tells why  Bruce Wayne became the  Batman. While Bruce was in law school, his course was discussing a  case where a man went to jail. Bruce complained that it was not justice to which his Law Professor responded “ Is it Justice? No. It's the Law.” This was also the title of an old episode of the Naked City

What Brittney Griner received was the Law, not Justice. What Putin's Russia has given Ukraine is War, not Peace. Which only goes to prove that the old Civil Rights chant is correct. “No Peace, No Justice.”  

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