Thursday, June 8, 2023

Normal II


The First Commandment

I am the lord, I am your God.
I am the Lord, the only God.
I am the Truth, I am the Life
I am the Way, the only Way.
You shall have no other gods before me.

Do YOU believe in the commandments?

"I am the Lord your God, you shall have no other gods before me”.  Kind of definitive isn’t it. There is  “God” vs. “no God”, but there is NOT“Good” vs. “Evil”.  That would imply that there are two gods.  Thus the choice is between 0, “No God” and 1, “God”, not between -1, “Evil” and 1, “Good

And that makes all of the difference mathematically.  Before a “Come to Jesus Moment”, μ, when you are saved, you can be 0, but you can not be -1.  This requires that the mean of choice, μ, is 0.5, not 0.0; the median of choice, CDF(μ) is 50%, not 100%; and the mode of choice is also 50%, not 100%.

There is also the problem that those who believe in Good vs. Evil also seem to believe that there is no variance, whose square root is standard deviation.  If we live in a universe where the choices are 0 and 1, then the range of choices, the difference between the mean and the actual choices, s, is 0.5. If random events follow a logistics distribution, a hyperbolic secant squared distribution, then the variance, σ2, is s2π2/3, which means that the square root of the variance, σ, is s*π/√3 and the universe of random events is  hyperbolic.  If s =.5, then this means that the standard deviation, σ, is .5*π/√3=0.9069.  In a normal distribution (a mathematical term, not a judgmental term) the choice which ordinarily happens at the mean can happen as early as μ-3*σ and as a late as μ+3*σ and its cumulative choice, CDF, would be 1 at infinity and 0 at negative infinity.  While it is true that having a standard deviation of 0 also has a CDF of 0 at -∞ and a CDF of 1 at +∞, but having a variance of zero does not satisfy the 68/95/99 rule and is thus NOT normal.

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