Friday, June 2, 2023



Room to Move

May seem peculiar
How I think o' you
If you want me darlin'
Here's what you must do.
You gotta free me
'Cause I can't give the best
Unless I got room to move.

Does the universe give us room to move?

The universe is infinite and expanding. But because it allows us to be free, there is choice, it has a known variance, which should NOT be confused with its size. That variance allows for all of these choices to occur. If each choice is binary, e.g. heads/tails, true/false, the odds of each choice is 0.5 and statistics tells us that the variance of the universe must be s2π2/3. Because the odds of choice, s, are 50%, its variance is 0.91. If there was no choice then s would be 0, reflecting that there is only one outcome, i.e. only true, and the odds of deviating from that outcome is 0% and the variance would thus be zero. 

The universe in which we live has choice, and thus has to include all of those choices. At the point where the universe incudes all of those choices, there is a transition to a universe where the choice has already been made ( e.g. there is effectively no further choice). This point is the absolute as given by Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. In the Theory of Relativity, the absolute is the speed of light. That is you can only approach an absolute, but you can not be an absolute. This describes exponential behavior. In Traffic Engineering, the approach is to the absolute which is capacity of a road. In Fluid Mechanics, it is the capacity of a channel. In Traffic Engineering, you are in a uncongested domain before reaching that capacity. In Fluid Mechanics you are in a laminar flow domain before you approach that capacity. It is suggested that the universe  in which we live is only the turbulent, chaotic, part of the domain where there is choice. There must be a transition to the orderly domain, which has a zero variance. But in both domains,  the universe is infinite so not only are we free in our domain, but in both domains we have room to move.

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