Tuesday, July 18, 2023



Crown of Creation

Life is change How it differs from the rocks I've seen their ways too often for my liking New worlds to gain My life is to survive And be alive for you
No Man is an island. He’s a peninsula!

If you are pro-life, then you must also be pro-change!

Saying that life is change and that no man is an island means that mankind must be in favor of change and is a group animal not an individual animal. And as Shakespeare would say, “Therein lies the rub.”  Acting to oppose change, and acting as individuals, is easier. I personally do not like any change. I have been having the same breakfast at home almost every day for the last 20 years. I also like to pretend I am an individual and don’t like joining any groups. I don’t want to be a member of any group that would have me as a member. But acting to oppose change and like there are no groups of which you are not a part might be why we have problems today.

The current 435 members of the US House, and thus the current electoral college, might have been an acceptable compromise in 1911. Making it automatic might have been acceptable in 1941. However the world has changed in 2023 from what it was in either 1911, or 1941. Maybe the current method of reapportionment is no longer appropriate.

The world looks flat to an individual. But the world only appears locally flat but is actually round.

A current individual might not be able to construct the Great Pyramid. But that does not mean that it was built by aliens instead of a group of individuals.

Climate change happens over a very long time, probably longer than any individual’s lifetime, but that does not mean that it is not real for a group of individuals.  Just ask the ancient Mayans or the modern Pacific Islanders whether climate change is real.

I can’t make my own clothes, or even the cloth from which many clothes are made, but that does not mean that my ancestors were all unclothed. But that also does not mean that to survive as an individual, I must master all of those skills. Survivalists take note that the uncontacted “stone age tribes “ in the Amazon jungle may in fact be the descendants of survivalists from the Inca civilization.

Diseases can wipe out or change cultures in addition to killing individuals. Never mind COVID. Ask the indigenous Americans about smallpox or the Europeans about the Black Death.

Humans can influence climate change. The Mongol invasions in the 1200s probably brought about the Little Ice Age. https://umaine.edu/news/blog/2016/02/05/climate-change-and-the-rise-of-the-mongol-empire/

So opposing change and acting like only individuals matter is contributing to the problem, not a solution.

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