Saturday, July 8, 2023

Storytelling II


As Time Goes By

It's still the same old story
A fight for love and glory
A case of do or die
The world will always welcome lovers
As time goes by

And we will ALWAYS need stories.

Star of stage, screen, and television? No matter what, it is all about storytelling. 

Performances/storytelling on stage are unique to a time AND place. It is a  performer's medium who decides when it is pencils down. (e.g. Taylor Swift, Hugh Jackman, Lauren Bacall, Zero Mostel, etc.)

The screen is also about storytelling, but the performance can be shown at multiple places at the same time, but only at the times dictated by those who own the screens. The screen is a director’s medium who decides when it is pencils down. (e.g. Michael Curtiz, John Ford, Steven Spielberg, Frank Capra, etc.)

Television is also storytelling but the producers decide when it is pencils down and who freeze the medium (e.g. Shonda Rimes, Quinn Martin, Norman Lear, Mark Burnett, etc.) .  The story can be told in multiple places at many times AND can be shown in the home.

Thus it is always a story, art, but who owns and sells that story, art, gets complicated.

IMHO, the art can NEVER be owned by a corporation or AI, and must be always be a human. .  IMHO, AI, is Artificial Inference,  and those inferences can NOT be made from copyrighted material, or else it is a copyright infringement. The copyright is issued by a nation, and the people of that nation own the art after the copyright has expired, and have agreed that the artist has a right to license that art for a certain period of time.

IMHO, the people also have a right to say how a copyright holder can license the art while it is copyrighted/protected. It was true when the constitution was written and it still is true. Those who create the story should be compensated for that story, or there is no incentive to create new stories.

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