Saturday, July 29, 2023

The Unethical Justice Alito


Waiting for the Robert E. Lee.

Way down on the levy in old Alabamy There's Daddy and Mammy There's Ephraim and Sammy On a moonlight night you can find them all While they are waiting, The banjos are syncopating

Stop the music “Strip Search” Sammy! Your waiting is over!

You just knew that Justice “Strip Search Sammy” Alito could not let Justice “Long Dong Silver” Thomas get all of the headlines as the villain of the Supreme Court. “Strip Search Sammy” just wrote an editorial in the Wall Street Journal that it was unconstitutional for Congress to impose a code of ethics on the Supreme Court. Let’s give you a civics lesson “Strip Search.”  The Constitution, as in says in the very opening  line, is the document of “We The People.”  The Congress is the elected representatives of “We The People", whose job is to enact laws. The Supreme Court only offers opinions on those laws as to whether Congress acted against the stated protections, not of the Supreme Court, but of “We The People.’  If Congress says the Supreme Court should be 

  1. ethical, or 
  2. have terms limits because its justices are not immortal, or 
  3. should decide cases not by domination but by certainty, or 
  4. decide that there should be ten rather than the current nine members of the Supreme Court, as has been the case in the past, 

AND that law does not require an action that is specifically prohibited by the Constitution,  (And let’s save you the trouble, “Strip Search”.  Just as the Constitution did not mention a right to an abortion,  it also does NOT prohibit ethical standards), then who are you to speak.  Put down the shovel, Sammy. You are in a deep enough hole right now. Your waiting is over. The People are coming for you.

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