Tuesday, September 5, 2023



Turn, Turn, Turn

A time to build up, a time to break down
A time to dance, a time to mourn
A time to cast away stones
A time to gather stones together
To everything turn, turn, turn
There is a season turn, turn, turn
And a time to every purpose under Heaven

What time is it now? 

In the Hindu mythology, the trinity of the highest gods are:  

·        Brahma, the Creator ;

·        Vishnu, the Preserver, and

·        Shiva, the Destroyer.

Hindu mythology acknowledges that creation of the new will not occur unless there is destruction of that which has been created but found wanting.  But you can’t destroy everything or the end result would be nothing.  Thus Vishnu’s role is to decide what of creation will be preserved and what of creation will be destroyed.

It is probably no accident that 1/3 of all Americans are backers of the Jan 6th, 2021 insurrection, whether by explicitly by backing the insurrection or implicitly by saying that it was not an insurrection.  It is probable that 1/3 of all Americans support all things progressive, and are the libs that MAGA wants to own. It is up to the remaining 1/3 of all Americans to decide which of the progressive actions they wish to support and which they want to destroy. 

The problem is that in a single representative per district system of governance, such as the one in the United States, there will most likely be a two party system.  If one party is captured by the destroyers and will only nominate destroyers as candidates, then the preservers may be forced to choose the candidate of the creators or else they will have nothing left to preserve. 

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