Saturday, September 2, 2023

Mirror, Mirror

The Man in the Mirror

I'm starting with the man in the mirror I'm asking him to change his ways And no message could've been any clearer If they wanna make the world a better place Take a look at yourself and then make a change.

We are, of course, the man in the mirror.

Reality as a complex number is re, where r is the real part and θ is the angle of rotation of the imaginary axis.  This can also be stated as a+bi.  As was suggested in a recent blog post,,  reality must be -ln(0.5)/λ , where λ is the decay coefficient of an exponential distribution.  It was also noted that 1/λ is the mean and median of that exponential distribution.  It was suggested that this apparent paradox could be resolved if 1/λ is only the real part of the complex number that is -ln(0.5)/λ.  However that leads to an undefined number where the rotation of the imaginary axis is ln(-ln(.5)) . The solution to this paradox is in another blog post, reality (as a complex number) is equal to -reality(as a real number) +0i. If the real part of a complex number is -1/λ then the rotation of the imagainary axis is 1 radian, and since one radian is π it is 180 degrees.

This means that our reality is the mirror universe, a reflection of complex reality.  Thus that OG Star Trek Episode, “Mirror, Mirror” is correct except that we are living in the reality of the Imperial Star Ship Enterprise, of the Terran Empire, not Starfleet. The reality where Spock has a goatee.  The one in which McCoy says that he is “A doctor, not an engineer” and Mr. Scott replies that “Now you’re an engineer”.  IOW, it takes an engineer to find a solution.

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