Friday, September 1, 2023



Tell Her No

Tell her no no no no-no-no-no
No no no no no-no-no-no
(Don't let her down from your arms)
No no no no no (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
Don't hurt me now for her love belongs to me

“No” might be a complete sentence, but the phrase is “No taxation without representation”

The complete phrase uttered by the Founding Fathers/American Revolutionaries was not “No Taxation”.  It was “No Taxation WITHOUT Representation".  You might be opposed to taxes, but please remember to say the complete phrase.  The American Revolution was not fought over taxation, it was fought over representation.  When you are saying “No Taxation Without Representation” you are explicitly in favor of taxation, but not without having representation to decide what those taxes should be, the amount of those taxes, and how the revenue raised from those taxes is to be spent.  No taxation at all, or cheating on taxes, is not consistent with this phrase and is un-American.

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