You’ve Got to
Hide Your Love ( Beach Boys version)
Hey! Somebody hid my
teeth away(Just call that number...)
Hey! Somebody hid my teeth away
(Everly Brothers.)
(What's the best Everly Brothers song? Besides, ah...)
("Bird Dog.")
(Who's gonna fool with it?)
(You're gonna fool with it. You and me.)
(You shouldn't fool with an Everly Brothers song--you should
do it right.)
You shouldn’t fool with
ANYthing, just do it right!
Trying to make inferences from existing trends
is good. But remember they are only inferences. Don’t expect those inferences to be perfect,
and be prepared to change them and NOT fall in love with your inferences. Not only your inferences, but the inferences
that others make should also be questioned. What seems to be consistent with
your inferences might only be a foolish consistency and remember what Emerson said
about foolish consistencies.
For example the trend inferred of perceiving the absolute. The absolute will be perceived from a frame of reference. Our frame of reference is not absolute so we can’t expect our perception of the absolute to be absolutely correct. Just because someone else’s perception seems to be close to ours, that does not confirm ours.
Our perception of
the absolute can be a System Perspective, that the perceived slope of the absolute
is all that is important. It can also be a User Perspective, that the starting point
of the absolute is all that is important. It can be that the perceived starting point AND the perceived
slope are both important. Thus is called a Nash Equilibrium after mathematician
John Nash.
The perception of the only the slope which is the System Optimal, SO, parameter trended to the perceived starting
point is close to the User Optimal, UO, parameters. The parameters of the Nash Equilibrium, NE, are not close to either those of the SO or UO. But the parameters of the Nash Equilibrium
match better to the perception of the absolute than either that of the System or
User Optimals.
The blue dots and lines are User
Optimals, UO. The red dots and lines are the System Optimals, SO. The brown dots
and lines are Nash Equilibriums, NE. Despite the fact that the UO and SO parameters
are close together at the left side of this graph, the parameters of the Nash Equilibrium are closer to both the perceptions of the absolute
at both the Left, and Right sides of the graph, despite being farther
away from the trend of either UO or SO parameters. It is more important to be consistent
with the perception of the absolute than it is to be consistent with the perception of
others. Don’t be fooled.
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