Friday, February 12, 2021

Minimum Wage II

 Another Saturday Night

Another Saturday night and I ain't got nobody
I got some money 'cause I just got paid
How I wish I had someone to talk to
I'm in an awful way

Some money may not be a lot of money, if the job paid only the federal minimum wage.

The media has characterized the Biden administration proposal as raising the minimum wage to  $15 per hour.  However the wage increases to that amount over 5 years and the initial adjustment in 2021 only raises the minimum wage to $9.50. This basically restores the current federal minimum wage to the amount in 2017 Dollars.  The minimum wage was last set in 2009 and there has been inflation since that time. There should be bi-partisan support for this raise, especially since this is merely applying a Cost Of Living Adjustment, COLA,  to a 2009 statutory amount.

After 2025, the proposal requires a Cost Of Living Adjustment to its minimum wage of $15.  There has been bi-partisan support for COLAs in Social Security, IRS Tax Rates, and many other amounts stated in federal laws.  There should also be bi-partisan support for applying a COLA to any statutory  minimum wage.

The discussion of what the minimum wage should be, and let me state for the record I believe that it should be more than $9.50 in 2021 USD, is a separate discussion that should not change the fairness of applying a retroactive COLA to the current minimum wage and ensuring that the minimum wage will continue to be adjusted by a COLA forever in the future.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Impeachment III


My Back Pages

To memorizin' politics
Of ancient history
Flung down by corpse evangelists
Unthought of, though, somehow
Ah, but I was so much older than
I'm younger than that now 

Is the impeachment political.... or not?


The key issue of the impeachment trial of Donald Trump is whether he incited the insurrection at the Capitol on January 6, 2012.  Before January 6th,  there was no reason to “hang Mike Pence”.  He was the Vice President of the United States.  He was the running mate of Donald Trump.  If the election was certified, then he would no longer be the Vice President.  Mike Pence was specifically mentioned by Donald Trump seven times during his speech on Jan 6th.  His displeasure with Mike Pence was expressed.  Mike Pence had written to the President that morning that he intended to certify the result which was not “doing the  the right thing” as defined by Donald Trump.  So the cry of “hang Mike Pence” on January 6th could only come from the incitement by Donald Trump on the morning of January 6th. 

This is not a civil or criminal trial.  The sentence of the Senate is limited to removal from office, which is as pointed out only a mandatory sentence and not applicable at this time, and disqualification from future office.  The constitution specifically requires that the sentence excludes any other civil or criminal  penalties. 

So will the votes at the impeachment trial be political?  Of course, because the sentence is also limited to a political one.  If the Republican Senators vote NOT Guilty as a verdict, they will be the ones that are ignoring the facts and making only a political vote.

Sunday, February 7, 2021


 A Long Time Coming

There been times when I thought I couldn't last for long
But now I think I'm able to carry on
It's been a long time coming
But I know a change is gonna come, oh yes it will 

“The Arc of the Moral Universe is Long, But it Bends Toward Justice.”

Love of county is NEVER demonstrated by the hatred of anyone who we believe should not be part of our country.  The injustice of chattel slavery drove this country to a Civil War.  Because we did not know better, we did not repudiate our sins but erected monuments to the Confederate traitors and adopted Jim Crow laws.  We broke our promises to immigrants, native Americans, and people of color.  If we are to move past the divisions that threaten to rend this country today, shouldn’t we acknowledge out faults, vow to never forget them, and take measures to correct them. 

We can have nostalgia for the good things in the past, but not at the process of throwing away our future.  We can have nostalgia for the good things in our past, while still acknowledging that there were also bad things in that same past.

Change may not have come when Sam Cooke wrote his song in 1964, but change not only is gonna come now, it HAS to come now.  It may have taken a long time, but the time for justice is now.


Call Me Irresponsible

Call me irresponsible    
Call me unreliable         
Throw in undependable too

Chief Justice Roberts is at risk of being irresponsible.

On Tuesday, the Senate will begin the second Impeachment trial of Donald Trump.  The Presiding Officer will be Senator Leahy, not Chief Justice Roberts.  The Constitution requires that the Presiding Officer for  a Presidential Impeachment trial is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.  The trial might be one  that Chief Justice Roberts finds disagreeable, but he swore an oath to uphold the Constitution   Does he have the options of declining to preside, or is he not accepting his responsibilities?

The President when the Article of Impeachment was voted was Donald Trump.  The President when the actions cited in the Article of Impeachment was Donald Trump.  While the mandatory sentence of a guilty verdict of impeachment is removal from office, and Donald Trump is NOT currently in office, it is not the only sentence.  The sentence can be disqualification from holding any federal office in the future.

This is not a case of sentence first, trial later.  Chief Justice Roberts must have the United States of America confused with Alice in Wonderland.  Given the actions that led to the Articles of Impeachment and the vote on the Articles of Impeachment, and the possible sentence, it is clear that this IS the impeachment trial of a President and  Chief Justice Roberts must preside.  To choose not to preside is irresponsible.

Impeachment II

The Times They Are A Changing

Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call    
Don't stand in the doorway      
Don't block up the hall  
For he that gets hurt    
Will be he who has stalled       
The battle outside ragin'           
Will soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls    
For the times they are a-changin'

On Tuesday February 9th , the Senate must bear witness to the battle that was ragin’ on January 6th

The impeachment trial of Donald Trump will be an opportunity for the Senate to bear witness to the battle outside that was raging.  They will eventually be asked to determine whether  Donald Trump's actions incited that battle.  "Many fine people" have called that battle an insurrection.  Insurrections are an attempt to topple a government.  That the majority of the people of the United States voted that this was their government makes this an insurrection against the people.  The fact that the insurrection did no succeed does not make it any less an insurrection.

The outcome of the trial is not yet determined.  The Republican Senators have  indicated that the chances of rendering a guilty verdict are unlikely.   But that is not the most important part of the impeachment trial.  It will be an opportunity to use the Swahili word, Kushuhudia, to bear witness, which is an essential part of any healing process.  If we are to move past the battle that was raging, the Senators need to bear witness to the events of January 6th.  Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.  Let’s us hope we learn and never repeat this battle, outside or inside..

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Passing for a Higher Class



When I'm free to be whatever I want to be,
Think what wonders I'll accomplish then!
When the master that I serve is me and just me--
Can you see me being equal with my countrymen? 

I am not free until all of my countrymen ( gender neutral) are free 

This is me.

  • I am a feminist,
  • My paternal grandfather was an illegal immigrant  (okay from Canada, but illegal is illegal),
  • My maternal grandparents were legal immigrants from Poland, but never spoke English,
  • I was baptized a Roman Catholic,
  • I have a brother with MS who serves on a disability commission,
  • I have a brother who is openly gay,
  • My father was a high school drop-out,
  • My father was a union member,
  • I am a senior citizen,
  • I struggle with mental illness, etc.

and by all rights I should be assigned to a low class. However by changing the first letter of my last name from a “B” to an “R”, it becomes the same as a former Republican President.  I have degrees from two Ivy League Universities.  My history and beliefs are not obvious from my appearance.  I know that I have been mistaken for, passed as, a  WASP on many occasions and been treated as such. 

During the Capitol Riot, Rep. Phillips ( D- MN), suggested that his Democratic colleagues move to the other side of the aisle so that they could blend in, but he then realized that many of his colleagues of color could not blend in and he understood privilege and systemic racism.

Slavery did not end with the Emancipation Proclamation.  It was quickly replaced by Jim Crow laws.  We are not free until all of our countrymen are free.  I should not accept passing for a higher class. We should all earn our places in society, not accept one.

Friday, February 5, 2021


 We’re  A Couple of Misfits

Why am I such a misfit?
I am not just a nitwit!    
They can't fire me, I QUIT!
Seems I don't fit in.

Can you escape firing by quitting?  And what does that have to do with the impeachment trial?

The upcoming impeachment trial should not focus on the constitutionality of trying a president who is no longer in office.  Despite that the fact that removal from office is a mandatory sentence, it is not the only possible sentence ( Article I, Section 3, Clauses 6 and 7 of the United States Constitution defines the penalties of a guilty verdict of impeachment as being not only removal from office but also “disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States”.  While Donald Trump may no longer be in an office from which he can be removed, he could be disqualified from holding any federal office in the future.  The defense that he is not in office seems to be a “You can’t fire me, I quit” defense.

While most of us will never be President, many of us will face the prospect of being fired.  While “You can’t fire me, I quit” may sound appealing, those who chose to quit before being fired are choosing this immediate personal gratification, and that may not be rational in the long term.  Those who are fired can receive unemployment insurance. Those who quit can not.  A search by future employers would probably discover the actions that led to “You can’t fire me, I quit”, so this is NOT hiding those actions.  While it might seem to be immediately gratifying, quitting to avoid being fired is never recommended. 

The impeachment trial may result in acquittal.  However it serves as the full disclosure of any alleged actions.  The defense should be I am not guilty of those actions, not “You can’t fire me, I quit.”