Sunday, February 7, 2021


Call Me Irresponsible

Call me irresponsible    
Call me unreliable         
Throw in undependable too

Chief Justice Roberts is at risk of being irresponsible.

On Tuesday, the Senate will begin the second Impeachment trial of Donald Trump.  The Presiding Officer will be Senator Leahy, not Chief Justice Roberts.  The Constitution requires that the Presiding Officer for  a Presidential Impeachment trial is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.  The trial might be one  that Chief Justice Roberts finds disagreeable, but he swore an oath to uphold the Constitution   Does he have the options of declining to preside, or is he not accepting his responsibilities?

The President when the Article of Impeachment was voted was Donald Trump.  The President when the actions cited in the Article of Impeachment was Donald Trump.  While the mandatory sentence of a guilty verdict of impeachment is removal from office, and Donald Trump is NOT currently in office, it is not the only sentence.  The sentence can be disqualification from holding any federal office in the future.

This is not a case of sentence first, trial later.  Chief Justice Roberts must have the United States of America confused with Alice in Wonderland.  Given the actions that led to the Articles of Impeachment and the vote on the Articles of Impeachment, and the possible sentence, it is clear that this IS the impeachment trial of a President and  Chief Justice Roberts must preside.  To choose not to preside is irresponsible.

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