Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Climate Change


Stormy Weather

Don't know why
There's no sun up in the sky
Stormy weather
Since my man and I ain't together
Keeps raining all of the time

There is a difference between weather and climate.

At this moment, there is artic weather in Texas.  Is this evidence that the climate in Texas is cooling, not warming?  Hardly.  Climate is the average of weather over a long period of time. If the weather is colder than is normal now, but has been hotter than normal on previous days, it is an indication that the weather is more variable, not that the climate is colder.  The time period matters.  If the only evidence is from the now, then yes Texas is experiencing Artic conditions.  However climate is about more than the weather right now.

Those who confuse climate with weather are ignoring both the evidence and the definitions. Just as a failure to convict by a supermajority at the February 2021 impeachment hearing should not be confused to be a finding of innocence by a majority at that same impeachment hearing.  Since some of the votes for acquittal were made on constitutional jurisdiction grounds, e.g. the public statements of Sen. McConnell, it can not be claimed that even the vote at impeachment trial was a verdict of innocence.  Even though the Senate apparently voted on the constitutional jurisdiction issue on February 9th, at least some of the votes for acquittal were not based on the evidence but on constitutional jurisdiction grounds. Those might have voted guilty on the article of impeachment based solely on the evidence.  Additionally since the Senate also took an oath to impartially hear the evidence, and some Senators were either not impartial, or did not even pretend to listen to the evidence, then whether there was a supermajority of impartial Senators on the evidence, not the jurisdiction, was not determined.  

An acquittal in the O.J. Simpson case did not mean that O.J. Simpson could not be found guilty later either in civil court or the court of popular opinion.  A finding depends on the evidence, regardless of what the conditions are now, and on the definitions.  Absence of evidence is NOT evidence of absence. An acquittal is NOT a finding of innocence.  Cold weather is NOT a finding of a colder climate.

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