Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Private Property


We Can Be Together

Come on all you people standing around
Our life's too fine to let it die
We can be together
All your private property is target for your enemy
And your enemy
Is we 

Is private property Godly and public property Godless? 

Communism is defined in the dictionary as “a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned, and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.” I happen to be a Marxist myself, but I aspire to follow Julius Henry “Groucho” Marx. Karl Marx also espoused that religion was the opiate of the people and his followers are considered to be Godless.  My college chaplain, who hardly could be called Godless, was a Franciscan priest who took a vow of poverty. He believed that all property was communal, public.  Thus while Communism might be claimed to be Godless, public property, can also be considered to be property owned by God’s people, and is thus by definition not Godless. 

Similarity private property is not Godly.  In fact, Christians believe that the “love of money
(a measure of private property) is the root of all evil”.  The Bible might have said that God gave man dominion over the earth, but that that should be taken to mean all mankind, and not an individual man.

While I live in private property, I only have to take a few steps outside my door to be on public property, a street.  Even those who believe that private property is Godly, do not think that travelling on a public street is a Godless action.  

Neither private nor public property is Godless in its own right.  It is how that property is used, which determines whether it or not it is Godly.

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