Saturday, February 6, 2021

Passing for a Higher Class



When I'm free to be whatever I want to be,
Think what wonders I'll accomplish then!
When the master that I serve is me and just me--
Can you see me being equal with my countrymen? 

I am not free until all of my countrymen ( gender neutral) are free 

This is me.

  • I am a feminist,
  • My paternal grandfather was an illegal immigrant  (okay from Canada, but illegal is illegal),
  • My maternal grandparents were legal immigrants from Poland, but never spoke English,
  • I was baptized a Roman Catholic,
  • I have a brother with MS who serves on a disability commission,
  • I have a brother who is openly gay,
  • My father was a high school drop-out,
  • My father was a union member,
  • I am a senior citizen,
  • I struggle with mental illness, etc.

and by all rights I should be assigned to a low class. However by changing the first letter of my last name from a “B” to an “R”, it becomes the same as a former Republican President.  I have degrees from two Ivy League Universities.  My history and beliefs are not obvious from my appearance.  I know that I have been mistaken for, passed as, a  WASP on many occasions and been treated as such. 

During the Capitol Riot, Rep. Phillips ( D- MN), suggested that his Democratic colleagues move to the other side of the aisle so that they could blend in, but he then realized that many of his colleagues of color could not blend in and he understood privilege and systemic racism.

Slavery did not end with the Emancipation Proclamation.  It was quickly replaced by Jim Crow laws.  We are not free until all of our countrymen are free.  I should not accept passing for a higher class. We should all earn our places in society, not accept one.

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