Tuesday, November 7, 2023


Bare Footin’

Hey little gal with the red dress on
I bet you can barefoot all night long
Take off your shoes and throw them away
Come back and get them another day
We're barefootin', we're barefootin'
We're barefootin', we're barefootin'

 What about Flat- footin’?

To an individual human on the earth, the surface looks flat.  However, this is only because the distances that the individual enounters are probably much smaller than the radius of the Earth.  To an ant on the surface of a beach ball, its surface may also appear flat. But just like the beach ball, the surface of the Earth is actually spherical.  If it WERE flat, then a stick perpendicular to the ground at the equator would cast no shadow at noon, and that same stick at a higher latitude, say London, should also cast no shadow. ( The shadow in London would be shortest at noon, but there would still be a shadow.)  If the Earth were flat, then the highest points (e.g. the mast) of a ship on the horizon would NOT ALWAYS be visible before the rest of the ship.  These, and other apparent paradoxes, can be explained if the Earth is round but can not be explained if the Earth is flat.  Thus the perceptions of an individual are NOT the truth.

It is assumed that space is flat. This, however, is also just an assumption. If the surface of space is hyperbolic, curved, then any conflict betwwen the age and distance of the universe, the Planck Length, the rotation of galaxies, the inflation of the early universe, etc. may all be explainable.  But that requires giving up the perception that the space is flat.  Space may be bare, but that does not mean that it is flat.

Monday, November 6, 2023



They All Laughed

They all laughed at Christopher Columbus When he said the world was round They all laughed when Edison recorded sound They all laughed at Wilbur and his brother When they said that man could fly They told Marconi Wireless was a phony

Is AI a laughing matter?

AI is no different than: a written alphabet, the printing press, a camera, or copy and paste.  Each of these were accompanied by social upheavals, so why should we expect AI to be any different. AI is a tool invented by humans to make it easier to tell, process, and preserve stories.

But as a tool it is perhaps misnamed.  IMHO, it should be Artificial INFERENCE, not Artificial INTELLIGENCE.  It is only making inferences from the data that it processes, and it is only as intelligent as those who wrote the algorithms in the AI to do that processing.

So what is the difference between an inference and intelligence?

Before Copernicus, it was inferred that the Sun and the planets revolved about the Earth.

Before Kepler, it was inferred that the planetary orbits were perfect circles, not imperfect ellipses.

Before Wegner, it was inferred that the continents did not drift and that what we observed were the fixed position of the continents.

Before Darwin, it was inferred that life was created and while evolution can destroy species but it can not change them.

Before Einstein, it was inferred that the speed of light could be exceeded.

In each of these and other instances, INTELLIGENCE only means OBSERVATIONS, as in military intelligence, not that the observations, or the inferences from those observations, were intelligent and correct.

And because AI is an inference from observations, anything that was not observed is NOT part of the AI.  If there is confidential or copyrighted information that is being observed, then those inferences otherwise might be theft/a security breach/copyright infringement.  If that protected information, or any information, is being excluded from an AI, it does not mean that it did not happen, just that it was not observed and considered by that AI.

It is important to remember each of these when using AI so that people will be laughing with you and not at you.


Sunday, November 5, 2023

Moving Pictures


Pictures of Lily

And then one day things weren't so fine
I fell in love with Lily
I asked my dad where Lily I could find
He said, "Don't be silly".
"She's been dead since 1929"
Oh, how I cried that night
If only I'd been born in Lily's time
It would have been alright
There were always pictures of Lily to help me sleep at night
Pictures of Lily to help me feel alright

And even better today we have moving pictures of Lily.

Ginger Rogers passed away in 1995. Lauren Bacall passed away in 2014.   Audrey Hepburn passed away in 1993.  But whenever I want, I can see them dancing in “Swing Time”, whistling in “To Have and Have Not”; or eating “Breakfast at Tifanny’s”.  While I was born in their time, you might not have been. While I am still here, thanks to the movies it will always be their time, so it is always alright. And it is more than just their pictures.  It is their moving pictures.  "Mona Lisa" move over, and "Hurrah for Hollywood".

Saturday, November 4, 2023



All About The Bass

Because you know I'm all about that bass
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass, 'bout that bass (bass, bass, bass, bass)

Actually it’s all about the MATH!

Most people are familiar with Pythagoras’ Theorem, c=√(a2+b2), where c is the hypotenuse of a triangle with sides a and b.  This is actually only true for a flat, Euclidean, surface.  It is true because of the identity of a circle, cos2+sin2=1. For a triangle on a flat surface, the hypotenuse can also be expressed as


For a triangle on a spherical surface, the formula for the hypotenuse of a right triangle is based on a similar principle, but it is

cos(c/R)=cos(a/R)*cos(b/R)  or c=R*cos-1(cos(a/R)*cos(b/R))

where R is the radius of that spherical surface.  As R approaches infinity, it becomes identical to Pythagoras’ Theorem.

For a triangle on a hyperbolic surface, the formula for the hypotenuse is

cosh(c)=cosh(a)*cosh(b) or c=cosh-1(cosh(a)*cosh(b)).

This is true because of the identity of a hyperbola, cosh2-sinh2=1.

What is true for any surface, regardless of its shape, is only that c2=a2+b2. 

For the cylindrical coordinates (r, θ, z), of a point (x, y, z) in rectangular coordinates, it is true that x=r*cosθ, y=r*sinθ, z=z, and θ=tan-1(y/x).  However the solution of r as √(x2+y2) is only true if x and y are on a flat surface. On any surface it is only true that r2=x2+y2, and the solution for r depends on the shape of that surface. 

Additionally, hyperbolic trigonometric functions are defined in terms of exponentials such that


In this case, if the surface is hyperbolic, then the formula for the hypotenuse of a triangle is

c=cosh-1(½*(ea+e-a)* ½*(eb+e-b))

From Euler's formula, eix=cos(x)+isin(x), it is also true that ei0=-e.  Thus it is suggested that Pythagoras’ Theorem, taking the imaginary axis into consideration, is better simplified as  


rather than the conventional


However it is also acknowdged that, when a and b are much less than infinity, just as Pythagoras’ Theorem can be used on the surface of the spherical Earth where its radius, R, is much greater than a or b,  Pythagoras’ Theorem is still a reasonable approximation. In fact there is virtualy no diffence between the two until a and b are more than 20% of the absolute/infinity.  The difference between the two does not become appreciable until after a and b are more than 7%[1] of the absolute/infinity.

Euler’s formula, eix=cos(x)+isin(x) can also be viewed as the rotation of Minkowski’s spacetime, reality, on an imaginary axis to create cylindrical coordinates. If, in Eulers’ formula, x is taken to be θ, that is  e=cos(θ)+ sin(θ)*i, this can then be viewed as a complex number in rectangular coordinates, a+b*i, where sin(θ) can be viewed as a rotation of the imaginary axis, i, by θ, and cos(θ) is the real portion of this complex number. However, while sin(x) is cyclical, and sin(0)=sin(π)=0,  the cosine, the real part of the complex number in rectangular coordinates, is out of phase with the sine such that cos(0)=1 but cos(π)=-1.  Thus it is proposed that if a surface passes through an origin of a two-sheeted hyperboloid such that sin(0)=sin(π)=0, that in one sheet of the two sheeted hyperboloid, cos=1, while in the other sheet cos=-1. This implies that if our universe, reality, is on one sheet of a two sheeted hyperboloid, that at its origin it must have undergone a phase change such that a hyperbola in one sheet, our universe, is a reflection of a hyperbola in the other sheet, and that one sheet is also a phase shift of π from the other sheet.

Setting the coefficient of the imaginary axis to 0, does not mean that the axis is eliminated, only that its coefficient is zero.

[1] Actually the mean of a choice of one, squared, multipled by π squared divided by threeis 0.52π2/3 , which is equal to the variance, or 82.2%.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Speaker of the House


Sympathy For The Devil

So if you meet me
Have some courtesy
Have some sympathy, and some taste
Use all your well-learned politnesse
Or I'll lay your soul to waste, mm yeah

Republican “moderates” in the House appear to have had a “Come to Satan” moment.

By picking MAGA Mike Johnson as their Speaker, the moderate Republicans appear to have selected him because he seemed so polite, compared to Jim Jordan.  Uh, the devil is also polite.

The devil is NOT equal to God.  Believing that life is a contest between God and the devil is to believe that the devil is EQUAL to God.  If you have chosen God, then denying anyone else a choice is tantamount to handing that person over to the devil, because you won’t let that person choose God for themself. It does not count that you are afraid they might choose the devil.  Someone can choose God or no-God, but that same person can not choose the devil, unless the devil is equal to God.

No-God is the ABSENCE of God.  This is NOT the devil, although the devil is also absent of God.  Since MAGA Mike wants to eliminate the ability to choose your gender, your partner, your reproductive freedom, your religion, etc. he is apparently against many choices.  It makes no difference if he is polite in doing so, that is the way of the devil. Those moderate Republicans who voted for him have had a "Come to Satan" moment.  They are confusing tolerance with acceptance.  God help us all.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Pro-Choice II

The Struggle for Guadalcanal 

And when I Get to Heaven
To St. Peter I will tell
Just one more marine reporting, sir
I've spent my time in Hell

What if our universe is Hell?

We shave been taught that there are three domains: Heaven, Reality and Hell.  This is at odds with a belief that Heaven is where God dwells.  If we also believe that God dwells everywhere, including Reality, then there are only two domains, God's and the absence of God's.  Reality may then only be the interface where a choice is made to join God or join God's absence.  In that case, Reality is both Heaven and Hell.  The choices that are made in Reality detemine whether after life you enter Heaven.

If there are no choices in Reality, then no one can choose God and enter Heaven.  In Other Words, God must be pro-Choice, for every choice.

No Man is God


With God On Our Side

So now as I'm leavin'
I'm weary as Hell
The confusion I'm feelin'
Ain't no tongue can tell
The words fill my head
And fall to the floor
That if God's on our side
He'll stop the next war

And a powerful man on your side, such as Peter Thiel, Mark Zuckerberg, or Elon Musk is NOT God.

It makes no difference whether that powerful man has views with which you agree, such as Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, or George Soros.  A human is not, can not, ever be God.  A man may act like God, but if we also act like that man is God, then that is our mistake.  If as humans, we defer to powerful rich men, believe that they are on our side, then it is better that we pluck them out than let that cause the rest of us, our body, to stumble. 

And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for
thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

Matthew 5:29