Pistol Packing'
We're a rough rooting
tooting shooting trio
But you ought to see my sister Cleo
She's a terror make no error
But there am not no nicer terror
Here's what we tell her
Certainty is
NOT its error, despite what I may have implied in an earlier post.
Absolute certainty is the ABSENCE of error. Therefore the formula for certainty should
be the additive inverse of error, 100%- Standard Error%. If the formula for Standard Error is σ/√N,
then as N goes to infinity, the error goes to zero according to L’Hôpital’s
rule, This is regardless of the Standard
Deviation, σ , or what engineers
would call tolerance. If the tolerance is zero then the Standard Error is of
course zero. But it also would be zero at infinity, the absolute, in any event.
And the certainty would then be 100%.
If the certainty is NOT 100%, then that also can be used
to compute the tolerance, the square root of the variance. If the certainty is
perceived as 90.9% and N is two dimensions,
space and time, then the tolerance is 100%-90.9%*√2=σ. Individuals acting as a group can be expected
to follow a normal logistics, hyperbolic
secant squared, distribution. In that case the variance, σ2,
is equal to s2π2/3. If the certainty is 90.9%, the variance is (100%-90.9%*√2)2,
s2=(100%-90.9%*√2)2*3/π2 . And in hyperbolic space
this is
cosh((1-.909*√2)*√3)/π)). This is approximately equal to 47.3%, On a
hyperbolic surface the absolute value of the range variable, s, should be 50%, ½.
A series of 7 games would have a perceived certainty of 52.8%,(5/6)7/2.
A jury of 12 members would have a perceived variance of 36.9%, (5/6)12/2. If there are 3
outcomes to a contest, then the theoretical outcome of the absolute should be 1/3,
or 33.3% . If there are two dimensions, then the chances of being one of those two dimensions is 50%, ½. On the negative portion of hyperbolic space,
you are able to perceive 5/6 of the absolute, and 1/6 on the positive portions.
While on a flat surface, you could perceive 50% of an absolute on both the positive
and negative portions. The fact that these are the traditional members on a jury and the
traditional number of games in a series is not an accident. Those best approximate the rounded values of what can
be perceived on a hyperbolic surface.
The fact that we can perceive only 5/6 of the absolute, means that we can never achieve the 100% certainty of the absolute, but society has tried to achieve as much of that 100% certainty as possible and thus settled on those numbers. If the surface being perceived was flat, then the size of juries should be (1/2*2)/ln(1/3)= -1.09 and the number of games in a series would be only (1/3*2)/ln(1/3) =-0.369, of a single game, and these would be the negative of the expected number. If the surface was spherical, the percentage that could be perceived depends on the Radius of the sphere compared to the distance between the observer and the object being perceived. On a flat surface, juries would consist of a single member and there would be no need for any games to determine a winner. That society has settled on different rounded values for the size of juries and the number of games in a series shows that they are being perceived as rounded values on the negative portion of a hyperbolic surface and this means they have a perceived variance of 5/6. This also means that the certainty can only approach, is not as good as, the absolute. That there is error is based on what can be perceived. If there is perception, there is no certainty. If there is certainty, then there is no perception. Only the absolute can perceive 100%, and the observer is NOT the absolute.