Sunday, May 9, 2021



This Ain't Dallas

This ain't Dallas and this ain't Dynasty
This is a real-life two job working family
And I ain't J.R., you ain't Sue Ellen
We're just a man and a woman holding things together

While he might like the TV Series Dynasty,
former President Trump appears not to like political  Dynasties

Former President Trump appears to have a special contempt for Bushes, Romneys, and Cheneys.  This is hardly surprising .  No matter how hard he tries, he will always be a Trump and not a Bush, Romney, or Cheney.  He also famously clashed with the Manhattan dynasties as an outsider from Queens.  He does not have a problem with exclusive clubs or class systems.  He just has a problem with not being the highest ranking member of any exclusive club.  He doesn’t seem to have a problem with Donald Jr., Eric, Ivanka, Jared Kushner, Laura, Kimberly Guilfoyle, etc., so clearly he isn’t opposed to dynasties, as long as it is his dynasty.

If you are opposed to dynasties like the ones above, or to Clintons or Kennedys in the Democratic Party, then shouldn’t you be opposed to any dynasty, even those named Trump? If you don’t, then your problem is not with Dynasties, but that you are not in those Dynasties

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