Friday, May 28, 2021

The Capitol Riot Commission


That's not the way to die!
What do you do when you're branded?
Can you live with a lie?

And wherever you go
for the rest of your life
You must prove ...
You're a man!

Have the  Republican Senators who voted against the Jan 6th Commission Branded Themselves? 

Branded was a TV Western, starring Chuck Conners, that was about an Army Officer who accepted being court-martialed, branded, rather than tell the truth about the officer who was actually responsible and died in a massacre.  He accept being branded not for himself, but for one who died.  Those Senators who voted against the January 6th Commission may have branded themselves, but they did it for their own good, not for the good of others.   When the truth comes out, as it is inevitable, may we remember this as the day that Republican Senators Branded themselves.

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