Sunday, May 30, 2021

In Name Only?


Wonderful of Color

There's beauty untold
That's ours to behold
In the wonderful world of color
Color, color, color

How can we describe color?

It takes only three attributes to describe a color.  By varying the intensity of Red, Green, and Blue, it is possible to describe millions and millions of colors.  This shade  of Red can be described as 235 Red, 91 Green and 91 Blue on a scale of 1 to 255.  Even if you are limited to one attribute, Black and White, by varying the intensity of Black and White you can come up with at least 50 Shades of Grey, if not a whole lot more shades.

Why then are there people who see things only as either 100% Black or 100% White.  That is not how the world works.  How can you think there is only one attribute, dimension, while living in a three dimensional world? How can you then limit that one attribute, dimension, to 100% or 0% of that one attribute.  The world is a carousel of colors to everyone except those who insist that if you are not 100% for them, you are “In Name Only”.  "There are none so blind as those who will not see.”

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