Sunday, June 13, 2021

In The Heights

Paciencia Y Fe

What do you do when your dreams come true?
I've spent my life inheriting dreams from you
What do I do with this winning ticket?
What can I do but pray

What are your dreams?

Having just watched In The Heights, can I offer a geeky mathematical synopsis of the movie’s plot.  Usnavi and Nina choose System Optimal solutions rather than User Optimal solutions.  Usnavi stays in Washington Heights to be part of that society rather than pursue his dream of operating his father’s bar in the Dominican Republic.  Nina chooses to return to Stanford, even though she is not happy at Stanford, because then she can be more successful in fighting for the rights of Dreamers.

John Nash, himself the subject of the Oscar winning Best Picture, A Beautiful Mind, showed that there is a difference between a User Optimal Nash Equilibrium and a System Optimal solution.  That is why the ending is satisfying. Because as a society we prefer System Optimal solutions.

“There is no I in Team.”
“I only regret that I have but one life to give for my county.”
“It is a far, far better thing that I do than I have ever done.”
“It takes a village to raise a child.”
“Let me listen to my block.”  

Choose your solution for your block, not for yourself.

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