Sunday, June 13, 2021

Return to Normal



You say you got a real solution
Well, you know
We'd all love to see the plan
You ask me for a contribution
Well, you know
We're all doing what we can
But if you want money for people with minds that hate
All I can tell you is brother you have to wait 

Will the return to normal be a revolution? 

Nature seems to prefer a Gaussian distribution.  The common name for a Gaussian distribution is a bell-shaped normal distribution.  One feature of a normal distribution is that the mean, i.e. average,  is equal to the median, i.e. the value where 50% is above and 50% is below. If the median does not equal the mean, then the distribution is called skewed.  Currently there is a perception  by many that income and wealth are skewed toward the higher incomes, higher wealth.

It is possible for a distribution to be a bell-shaped curve,  where the mean, median and mode are all equal but there is another attribute of a curve, the variance, e.g. the width of the curve.  We all became way too familiar with the phrase “Flatten the curve”, during the COVID-19 pandemic. A statistician might say that we were increasing the variance of the curve.  Having an extremely low variance is also something that nature abhors and why those that stand out in a crowd are often the first to be targeted.  A pedestal has a very low variance, width, and tends to tip over, hence the warning about putting idols on pedestals.

“Here lies a toppled god
His fall was not a small one
We did but build his pedestal
A narrow, and a tall one.”

The return to a normal distribution will come. That return can be gradual and planned, or it can be violent,  like the French Revolution.  How far from a normal distribution we stray, may determine how extreme the return will be.

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