Thursday, June 3, 2021


Marine Hymn

From the Halls of Montezuma
To the shores of Tripoli;
We fight our country's battle
In the air, on land, and sea;

Millions for Defense, Not One Cent for Tribute!

Cyber attacks have been made on a number of United States firms and agencies.  These cyber attacks are to demand ransom for those firms and agencies.  Many of these attacks have been attributed to foreign criminals.  This is not the first time that citizens of the United States, their agents, or agencies have been attacked by foreign criminals.  " To the shores of Tripoli" refers to the First Barbary War, and specifically the Battle of Derne in 1805. The Barbary pirates seized and held ships and their cargo for ransom.  Among the ships and cargo the pirates seized were those belonging to US citizens. The United States had to decide whether its citizens should pay this ransom.  The United States had already faced a similar challenge when the French Navy seized American Ships.  It gave rise to the phrase, “Millions for Defense, Not One Cent for Tribute”.  Allowing for inflation this can be stated as , “Whatever it takes for defense, but not one cent for ransom.” 

What was true then is true now.  The Marines or their successors are ready.  But what is important to remember is that even though we fought on the shores of Tripoli, Tripoli is NOT, and never has been made part, of the United States.  The response to an injustice, should not be vengeance, but  retaliation.  If foreign countries will not act against criminals acting against the United States, the United States will take the required action, but ONLY that action.  The nation’s interest is to speak softly, but carry a big stick, but it is necessary to show that we are not afraid to use that stick. To the shores of Tripoli are not just words in a Hymn.  It is a statement of the nation’s response to any form of ransom. 

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