Wednesday, June 2, 2021



Bad Moon on the Rise

Don't go around tonight
Well it's bound to take your life
There's a bad moon on the rise

If saying something is good, knowing what you are saying is better.

One of  college roommates use to say “It is a doggie doggie world”.  I will never forget the look on his face when he found out that the saying was “It is a dog eat dog world”.  Actually he had the same expression when he found that the Creedence Clearwater Revival Song was “There’s  a Bad Moon on the Rise”, not “ There’s a bathroom on the right” as he would sing it.

Don’t just accept and repeat sayings.  It isn’t just about not sounding foolish.  There is usually a story behind why those words are used, and it might make more sense after you find out how those words came about.  There is usually wisdom behind those words and it helps knowing why you are using words, not just merely repeating words.

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