Thursday, September 9, 2021



Human Nature

If they say, "Why? Why?"
Just tell 'em that is human nature
Why, why does he do it that way?

Can we expect humans to speak the truth?

There is a considerable difference between speaking without error and telling lies.  Truth is not the absence of errors.  Truth is the absence of lies.  Lies are knowing the truth and still telling something that is known not to be the truth.  Errors are differences between what is thought to be the truth at one time, and what is know to be the truth at a later time.  To error is human, to forgive is divine. 

Humans are not divine.  We will make errors.  Those errors can be expressing with certainty, that something is impossible when it is merely improbable.  Saying that there will be no rain in a desert is not necessarily the truth. But if it does rain, that is an error, not a lie. 

Our understanding of the truth is changing.  Saying that the world is flat in ancient times might be an error, not a lie.  If someone today said  that the earth is flat they would be lying, or at least expressing an opinion that is inconsistent with the facts, truth.

Admitting that you made an error is a sign of integrity, not a sign of weakness.  Everyone can be expected to make an error.  If someone claims that they can not make an error, that is itself a lie.

President Biden  made errors in stating his policies, including those regarding Afghanistan. Saying that these errors are lies is itself a lie, particularly if the President admits the error.  Leaders can be expected to make a minimum number of errors.  They can not be expected to make no errors.  That would be to expect our leaders to not be human.

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