Thursday, September 9, 2021

Vaccines and Masks


Good Lovin’

I was feeling so bad
I asked my family doctor just what I had
I said, "Doctor" (Doctor)
"Mr. M.D." (Doctor)
"Now can you tell me what's ailing me?" (Doctor)


"I got the fever, yeah, and you got the cure" (Got the cure)

What is the cure?

It is known that there is a difference between HIV( the virus) and AIDS (the disease).  It is known that not everyone who is infected with the HIV virus will get the disease.  We also know that a sure way to ensure that you will not get AIDS is to not contract the HIV virus.  We know that the HIV virus is difficult to contract.  It requires an exchange of bodily fluids between an infected and uninfected person.  That is why sharing intravenous needles, having unprotected sex, transfusions of untested blood, etc. are risky behaviors.  For at least one of those behaviors it is considered appropriate to use protection.  HIV, like all viruses, replicates by invading your body's cells.  Once within a cell, it can make copies of itself and can spread to others. We do not trust the HIV status of others. We may not trust that they have not engaged in risky behavior. People can have the HIV virus and either lie about their status, or not be aware that they have the virus.  A test only means that you did not have HIV at the time of the test.  It says nothing about any risky behavior that occured after the test. It is reasonable to assume that, unless proven otherwise, persons encountered might have HIV and not share needles with, have sex with, or accept blood transfusions from those people. If you are infected you can inadvertently spread it to others with whom you have unprotected sex, share needles, or transfuse untested blood, etc.  Thankfully we are unlikely to engage in these behaviors with casual strangers, our children, our parents, etc.

SARS-CoV-2 is the virus.  COVID-19 is the disease.  You can have the SARS-CoV-2 virus and not have the COVID-19 disease.  The virus is spread through the air.  Breathing the air expelled by an infected person can infect you.  Unprotected breathing is a risky behavior.  The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are very effective at preventing the cell from invading a cell, but they are not perfect.  The Moderna vaccine is 94.6% effective, which means that it is 5.6% ineffective.  People that have the vaccine are probably not infected, but they can be infected. Remember the vaccine is 5.6% ineffective.  It is reasonable to assume that unless proven otherwise that all persons encountered have the SARS-CoV-2 virus.  It is reasonable not to exchange air with those persons by wearing a mask. We are very likely to exchange air with casual strangers, our children, our parents, etc.

Heed the lessons from the AIDS epidemic.  Not wearing a mask is just as bad as not using protection during casual sex.  You may not exchange bodily fluids with persons whom you do not wish to get HIV, but you probably exchange breaths with everyone that you encounter.  Not accepting the vaccine means that you if you are infected with  SARS-CoV-2, it is 100% likely, not 5.6% likely to invade your cells.  If the virus can not invade cells, then it can not replicate.  If the virus can not replicate, it can not spread to others.  If you take precautions against getting HIV, please take even more precautions against getting SARS-CoV-2.  If you don’t get SARS-CoV-2 you can not spread it to others and you and they can not get COVID-19. Please wear a mask and get the vaccine.  If you don’t think going to a brothel and having unprotected sex is a good idea, then it is inconsistent to oppose masks and vaccines.  Please gimme some lovin’.

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