Sunday, October 24, 2021



It Takes One to Know One

You oughta know that cheaters never win
Because it takes one to know one who will hurt you
It takes one to know one who'll make you blue
It takes one to know one like I know you

If you know enough to complain, you know more than is good for you. Or us.

A basic rule of the playground is that “He that smelt it, it dealt it”.  In other words, those who complain most loudly about an act are probably the ones guilty of that act. Some examples:

·       Cheating on taxes.  The ones complaining most loudly about cheating on taxes are probably those who actually are not paying their fair share in taxes.  For example, billionaires who pay no taxes and hide their tax forms, while the common folk pay more in taxes as disclosed on their tax forms.

·       Claiming minority heritage.  There are reparations that are paid to minorities because of past actions or penalties placed on minorities simply because they are minorities. There might be advantages to pretending to be what you are not, either to get benefits not due, or to avoid penalties imposed on minorities.  Thus some one who mocks someone for saying they have Native American ancestry even though that person received no benefits for that ancestry, or someone who say had a father who pretended to be Swedish to avoid being associated with Nazi Germany, is probably complaining about the behavior of others to deflect their own complicity.

·       Bemoaning activist judges.  Conservative judges have invented a right for self-defense, stated that corporations are people, or that fetuses are people despite those rights not being listed in legal documents.  And yet the ones bemoaning about activist judges support these actions by these judges.

·       Bemoaning Voter fraud.  Texas Lt. Gov. Daniel Patrick offered a $25,000 bounty to anyone who could show voter fraud, expecting to find fraud by Democrats who voted against Donald Trump.  He had to pay the bounty to a Democrat poll worker in Pennsylvania who had found fraud committed by a Republican Trump voter.

I am sure that there are many more examples but beware of anyone who complains loudly about the behavior of others.  They  are  probably guilty of, or thought strongly about committing, that same behavior themselves.

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