Saturday, October 9, 2021

Critical Race Theory II


I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel To Be Free

I wish I knew how
It would feel to be free
I wish I could break
All the chains holdin' me

You aren’t free until we all are free.

Chains bind not only the oppressed, but  the oppressor.  I am 70 years old.  I would like to consider myself well educated.  I have two degrees from Ivy League universities.  I have lived in Mansfield, Massachusetts since 1977.  My two sons graduated from Mansfield schools.  But I have just learned about Lord Mansfield and his decision on slavery in the Somerset decision and how that shaped the American Revolution.  And we don’t need to teach Critical Race Theory????

I was taught that the catch phrase of the American Revolution was “No Taxation Without Representation”.  That is only partly true.  The catch phrase in the southern colonies might just have well been “No End to Slavery Without Representation.”  In 1772, Lord Mansfield ruled  no master ever was allowed here (England) to take a slave by force to be sold abroad " and thus James Somerset could not be forced to be returned to his “owner” who was a Boston customs official.  This did not end slavery in English colonies, but it frightened slave owners so much that they arguably joined the northern colonies not so much to oppose tax policies as to oppose this policy.

If I am just learning this now, what else have I not been told?  IMHO, teaching Critical Race Theory is a not a bad thing.  It is a necessary thing.

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